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Good Samaritan Family Services is a government certified 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. That means you can rest assured that 100% of your donation will go toward helping local families in need. Also, your donations are tax deductible, so expect to see a tax deduction form from us in your mailbox soon after you donate.

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Online Giving

Donating online couldn't be easier. Simply click on the Donate icon below, enter your monetary donation amount, and you'll be on your way. You can also choose where you want your funds to be directed. 




Another way to easily help support our mission is to text GIVE to 2312625888


If it is your first time giving through text click HERE for detailed instructions.





Text to Give


Donate by Mail

Donations by mail are always welcome. Make checks payable to “Good Samaritan Family Services.”

Print and complete the mail-in donation form below and mail in with your payment or simply provide your name, address, phone number, and other relevant information to:

Good Samaritan Family Services
PO Box 206
Ellsworth, MI 49729








Planned Giving

Planned gifts, such as bequests or charitable trusts, can be a powerful, enduring way to provide for a future gift to charity. Planned giving involves providing for a future gift to a nonprofit through your financial and estate plans. Good Samaritan Family Services welcomes gifts made through different planned giving arrangements. These arrangements can:

  • Provide for you or your loved ones

  • Entitle you to charitable income and/or gift or estate tax deductions

  • Enable you to leave a legacy with Good Sam

For more information, please contact your professional financial advisor to find out how you can receive the maximum tax and legal advantage for your gift.

Gifts Given in Honor of Those We Love-2024

Deb Houser                     Arlene Messino            Harold & Helen Potter     Mr. & Mrs. Robert Cummins 
Michael Greyerbiehl         Robert Frost Donaldson  Gene Drenth                 Mr. & Mrs. Larry Tornga
Joyce Petter                     Sara Bruce                   Rick Shooks                  Mr. & Mrs, Curt Cummins
Dan O'Connell                Gary Amrstrong            Bruce Chellis                 Ray Fisher
Patricia Bowden              Nancy Zimmerman        Mr. & Mrs. James Roslaniec  Martha McKenie

Mr. & Mrs. George Kelly       Mr. & Mrs. William Avery    Mr. & Mrs. Dan Corradi          Donna Fisher



Assorted Soups


Canned Vegetables

Macaroni and Cheese

Peanut Butter

Tuna fish

Personal Hygiene Products


We gladly accept clean, usable items such as:


Household Items



Book, Movies, Music


Maternity Clothing

Baby Clothing

Baby Blankets, Sheets

Diapers, Baby Wipes

Food, formula, cereal

High Chairs, Cribs

Car Seats, Strollers

Toys, Books

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